AFA and IAA “Cross-Examination for International Arbitration” Theory and Practice

La International Advocacy Academy (IAA) organitza el proper dilluns 18 de novembre una sessió teòrico-pràctica i interactiva titulada “Cross-Examination for International Arbitration” impartida pel Sr. Richard Samuels, Director de la International Advocacy Academy, Barrister i expert en la formació d’àrbitres pelChartered Institute of Arbitrators. El curs tindrà lloc a les oficines d’AUGUSTA ABOGADOS (Via Augusta, 252) de 16.30h a 20h, i compta amb el patrocini de LAWANTS i AUGUSTA ABOGADOS.

La sessió estarà principalment centrada en proporcionar i explicar als assistents les tècniques anglosaxones d’interrogatori (cross- examination) de parts, testimonis i pèrits a l’arbitratge internacional.

Per a reservar plaça al curs, preguem us dirigiu a la Sra. Mireia Perez al següent correu electrònic:

*El cost per als socis de l’Associació pel Foment de l’Arbitratge (AFA) és de 60 euros i pels no socis és de 75 euros.


4.30pm     Registration opens

5.00pm     Introduction to the course and to the trainers

5.15pm      Direct and cross-examination: the basic rules and its role in the common law system

5.45pm      Practice session: direct and cross-examination of characters in fairy tales

7pm           Break

7.30pm     Case analysis and case theory: how to plan direct and cross-examination of characters in fairy tales

8pm           Ends

This course is aimed at:

  • providing a grounding in the common law concepts on which the common law approach to dispute resolution is based
  • describing the common law dispute resolution systems in which cross- examination takes its place
  • explaining the rules of direct examination and cross-examination
  • giving guidance about how to ask effective questions in direct and cross- examination
  • giving delegates a chance to ask questions in direct and cross-examination
  • describing the process of preparation needed to ask effective questions in direct and cross-examination
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